Microsoft Jet Db

Apr 22, 2018  Information about Microsoft Jet and the native Jet OLE DB Provider can also be found in the following documentation: 'The Microsoft Jet Database Engine Programmer's guide (2nd Edition)' offers extensive discussion on the tuning, usage, and limitations of the Microsoft Jet database engine.



Microsoft Jet Db Download

The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet and the Microsoft Access ODBC driver (Jet ODBC driver) provide an interface to Microsoft Office Access databases. The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet and the Jet ODBC driver are available in 32-bit versions only.

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We do not provide a 64-bit version of the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet. Additionally, we do not provide a 64-bit version of the Jet ODBC driver. If you use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet or the Jet ODBC driver to connect to a data source in a 64-bit environment, you experience different problems.

Microsoft Jet Oledb 4.0

For example, you have a 32-bit application that uses the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet. If you migrate the application to run in the 64-bit mode, the application cannot connect to the data source by using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet. This issue occurs because the application requires a 64-bit version of the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet.

Microsoft Jet For Windows 7


Microsoft Jet 3.51 Ole Db Provider


Microsoft Jet Ole Db Provider 4.0 Download

However, we still have the 32-bit version of the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet and the 32-bit version of the Jet ODBC driver. In a 64-bit Windows environment, you can run an application in the 32-bit mode. Therefore, the application can use the 32-bit version of the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet or the 32-bit version of the Jet ODBC driver.