Firefox View Download Progress

Support for extensions using XUL/XPCOM or the Add-on SDK was removed in Firefox 57, released November 2017. As there is no supported version of Firefox enabling these technologies, this page will be removed by December 2020. Add-ons using the techniques described in this document are considered a legacy technology in Firefox.

Download In Progress

Active7 years, 3 months ago

My MVC application has a simple file download controller action that downloads a file.

Here is the code:

I can download/save files successfully but can't seem to get Firefox to show the file download progress. All other browsers shows the file download progress.

Does anyone know how to get Mozilla Firefox to show the file download progress?

Wladimir Palant
50.6k10 gold badges85 silver badges116 bronze badges
2135 gold badges10 silver badges17 bronze badges

closed as not a real question by jrummell, Johann Blais, cadrell0, tereško, GravitonJun 19 '12 at 3:18

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

2 Answers

You need to add Content-Length to the header so the browser can calculate that.

Ray ChengRay Cheng
7,27012 gold badges59 silver badges120 bronze badges

You need to send a Content-Length header that tells the size of the file in bytes, otherwise the browser has no idea how large the file is and it cannot display a progress bar.

If you pass a content-length, then it can display a progress bar as it downloads.

60.1k10 gold badges107 silver badges133 bronze badges

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About this extension
Since version 5.1, Download Manager (S3) is now fully compatible with WebExtensions (Firefox Quantum 57+) and Google Chrome
the latest XUL version for older versions of Firefox, SeaMonkey and PaleMoon is here:
Original Download Statusbar add-on for Mozilla Firefox is abandoned October 28, 2011:
Does it mean its death? Of course not! It has been reborn! I brought it back to life!
Now it is called Download Manager (S3) and works with all Firefox versions 26+
Completely rewritten code to be compatible with the latest versions of firefox, but visual interface unchanged for use as a familiar old Download Statusbar
What is Download Manager (S3)?
Despite its compact size, Download Manager (S3) packs in more useful features than the standard download window. The fully customizable interface auto-hides when not in use, allowing full control without interruption.
  • Ctrl + J = Open Download History page
  • Ctrl + Shift + Z = Show/Hide Download Bar
  • Ctrl + Shift + Backspace = clear the last downloaded item
  • Ctrl + Shift + Insert = Undo last clear
  • Ctrl + Shift + Enter = open the last downloaded item
  • Alt + Shift + Enter = show the last downloaded item

New Features (compared with the original Download Statusbar):
  • Replace Downloads Library page.
    Now you have full control of your downloads history!
    show progress, time remaining, full file path, url, etc..;
    show summary progress;
    for one download or groups: retry, pause, cancel, resume, etc..;
    search in Downloads History;
    preview image files;
    and many other functions
  • Show only NUM completed downloads
  • Checksum for downloaded file
  • Checksum for any file
  • Position of the buttons in Download bar (left or right)
  • Hide Download bar when all downloads are completed
  • Show special icon if the file not found
  • Place newest downloads from: Left or Right
  • Download bar in top of the screen
  • Options: Text Sizes - Tooltip Size
  • Queue Mode
  • Show the 'Downloads Completed' notification
  • Summary progress on Download bar
  • ...and a lot of other changes

Reader view firefox
Download Manager (S3) for Google Chrome:

WebExtensions Limitations:
1. Download Bar not displayed on some sites from and
2. Download Bar not displayed on sites that do not have pages, for example error 404 (page not found)
3. Download Bar not displayed on internal Firefox and GoogleChrome pages, for example about:addons , about:config , chrome://extensions/ , chrome://settings/ , etc.
4. Download Bar not displayed on the extensions pages 'moz-extension://....' , 'chrome-extension://....'

Reader View Firefox

Download Manager (S3) is full compatibility for Google Chrome, but there are known problems for Firefox:

1. downloadItem.exists does not change from true to false when a file is removed
2. does not display history from past sessions
View3. chrome.downloads.drag is not a function

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